09 November 2008

You've all seen the video on Youtube of the tiny terrors. Well this is the old fashioned version of Adam and his Ant.

A very austere looking father and his two sons when ties were in fashion.


  1. wow!!!! that foto is gold dust... what a couple of prats!! i have to say that tara and dawn were our stylists and make up artists on that day, and mums old hippy clothes were the wardrobe. i remember dad not letting us go out to the armeses house for christmas tea time , now i see why!!

    our kids think its fantastic by the way, also the dots on neils cheeks are heart shaped as i remember!!

    i got a dose of this on neils wedding speech for me, but ive never seen neil as an ant since the event!!

    by the way, that tie of dads was never in fashion....or that beige suit that itched like crazy from burtons for that matter

  2. dad , you need to show sharon the original vid with diana doors as the fairy god mother!! then everything will become clear

    also i remember when i was repeatedly playing the prince charming song, the words were, "ridicule is nothing to be scared of" and you all of a sudden piped up from the cad drawing and said "well he should know", so you must have been into it aswell i reckon!!

  3. I, too, was impressed that Terry was able to pull that photo of Jonathan & Neil out and dust it off for publication. I am really getting to know all of this Singleton family quite a bit better. :-) And...the comment about the tie!! Your Dad and I both like that tie!! Which, of course, lets you know that he still has that tie. :-)
